Saturday, February 08, 2014

Ohio Right to Life Throws in with Karl Rove: Bush’s Brain to raise money for ORTL

RoveIn 2011 Ohio Right to Life sponsored a major fundraising event:  An Evening With Glenn Beck. . Even with years of observing and sometimes writing about ORTL, for some reason I was surprised that it would so outwardly link itself to such a professional poseur.  I covered Beck's performance for the Columbus Free Press filing it under 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Or was that 90 years?

 Since then, ORTL, busy gutting abortion rights in Ohio, has  cut back its public connection to National Disreputables, generally limiting itself to  Ohio legislators-- most recently weird Jim Buchy, sponsor of ORTL's HB 307 quick-and-fast-adoption bill.  Buchy, probably the dumbest lawmaker to hit the State House in 160 years says it's never occurred to him to wonder why a woman might want an abortion. If he can't ruminate that, how can he explain how adopter tax credits will bring more newborns to the adoption block? Answer:  he can't.

 But I digress.

 While checking on something else  tonight (as usual!)   I learned that ORTL has booked an encore to its Beckian Theatre of the Fundraising Absurd.

On February 7, ORTL, its Toledo chapter, and  the Foundation for Life of Northwest Ohio offer a joint production: An Evening with Karl Rove. at the poshy downtown Toledo Club.  I only paid $25,00 to see Beck.  Inflation now demands $250 a seat and $500-$5000 corporate sponsorship for an hour with Bush's Brain, formerly known as Turdblossom; now Fox News talking fat head .   Hor d’oeuvres included.

 No hint of Rove's subject matter, though I don't expect him to gush tears and snot as his predecessor.  According to his agent, the Harry Walker Agency, Rove's speech topics include America's Challenges and  The Next Four Years: How a Second Obama Term Affects Business and America's Economy. Sounds pretty snoozy.  How about My Life as a Dirty Trickster or  Abolish Abortion in Ohio By Jimmying Voting Machines?

 I wish I could attend the event,  is out of my neighborhood in so many ways.

Glenn Beck oct 27 2011 005
Glen Beck, Vets Memorial, October 27, 2011. Shilling for ORTL. 
  BONUS:  On February 11, ORTL will throw a tele-town hall in Columbus with Marko discuss  "pro-life initiatives, health care, and the future of the nation." Who next? Rush Limbaugh? George Zimmerman?  

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