Patrick J’s was hit the hardest. The neighborhood grill was probably singled out because of its visible support for those damned Irish Democrats Mary Jo Kilroy and John Patrick Carney. Damage seems to have been limited to about a two block area on High. I saw no damage on streets off the east side High except for one Mary Jo Kilroy sign up a couple blocks. While sign vandalism is common during campaigns and not such a big deal, I don't remember ever seeing so much damage in so small of an area. There were so many dead and damanged signs thath I wonder if somebody just didn't do a grab and run through the neighborhood and toss them in Patrick J's grass. That it was done in public view on Columbus's busiest street with no fear of apprehension is bothering.
The paucity of Republican signs in the upper OSU-lower Clintonville area has been resounding. A veritible political sound of one hand clapping. Interestingly, last spring I attended a neighborhood pre-primary Republican meet and greet and no one I spoke to was the least bit enthusiastic about the possiblity of a Blackwell ticket. But that was then.
As of 9:00 pm both Blackwell and Dewine are out Should we expect Clinton Republicans to riot?



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