Happy Thanksgiving!
If you're one of those who don't feel you have much to be thankful for this year, think again --unless you're in or from Ohio, that is.
Ohio Right to Life wants you to be thankful for adoption!
ORTL, in fact, is so thankful for adoption that it got together a few of its friends to tell us how thankful they are for it and us--who make their miracle happen.
ORTL fo decades has been the single greatest impediment to restoring records access to Class Bastard Ohio.
ORTL loves us so much that it wants to protect us from our birth certificates and our rights.
ORTL's hobby horse trumps the rights of thousands.of Ohio adoptees.
ORTL: "Promoting Life" while screwing adoptees and their families.

Ohio Right to Life wants you to be thankful for adoption!
ORTL, in fact, is so thankful for adoption that it got together a few of its friends to tell us how thankful they are for it and us--who make their miracle happen.
ORTL fo decades has been the single greatest impediment to restoring records access to Class Bastard Ohio.
ORTL loves us so much that it wants to protect us from our birth certificates and our rights.
ORTL's hobby horse trumps the rights of thousands.of Ohio adoptees.
ORTL: "Promoting Life" while screwing adoptees and their families.
This Thanksgiving, Ohio Right to Life is grateful
for the gift of adoption as a loving and life-saving alternative to abortion.
Because November is National Adoption Month, it is important to take time to celebrate the selfless sacrifice of birthmothers and the gift of children. Join us by reading words of thanks from members of the pro-life family who have been adopted or who have chosen to adopt.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
Ohio Right to Life
Secretary of State Jon Husted
now, across the country, I know there are young women agonizing over
the decision to have a baby they cannot properly care for or to have an
abortion. I want them to know there is another option in adoption.
Organizations like Ohio Right to Life can connect women to the services
they need to get through the pregnancy and give birth to a child that
will be adopted, loved and go on to lead a happy life. I can tell you
this first hand because that is my story; I was adopted 44 years ago and I owe all that is good in my life to the woman I barely knew, but who gave me the gift of life."
Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director, Ohio Right to Life
"God's perfect plan for our family was through the blessings of adoption. We are so very thankful for our daughter Olivia
as well as the sacrifice and life-saving decision her birthmother made.
As a society we must continue to promote adoption and offer compassion
and support to both birthmothers who place their child for adoption and
families who adopt these wonderful babies."
Darlene Yost, Wife of State Auditor Dave Yost
Yost house is a bit chaotic this week in preparation for Thanksgiving.
I'm going overboard (Dave says, as usual) for our family gathering. I
get that from my mother. But, not inherited through blood, for you see, I'm adopted. Chosen.
As we
approach this day where we reflect about what we are thankful for, Mom
and Pop are high on that list. I am who I am because they chose me -
and made me their daughter. Their own.
It is
only recently that I realize how grateful I am to the woman who gave me
birth. It occurs to me that she chose for me as well. She chose life. I
pray she is as blessed by family as I have been."
The Speicher Family, Pro-Life Supporters
"We are profoundly grateful that God formed our family through the gift of adoption. Our four children are the joy of our life! We hope in some small way that our example will encourage mothers in difficult circumstances to choose life and couples to be open to the blessing of adoption. Happy Thanksgiving!"
Interested in Adoption in Ohio?
We are very grateful for all of the assistance provided
to families seeking children, and to children seeking families. Learn
more about adoption from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
by clicking HERE.
The mission of Ohio Right to Life is to promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, from the time of fertilization until natural death. To learn more about Ohio Right to Life please visit our website at www.ohiolife.org. Visit our blog at www.ohiolifewire.org. |
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