OCTOBER 14, 2005
unofficial transcript
DAVID FORBES (acting as MC):
I’m supposed to introduce the very next part, and I’m gonna do that. I’m gonna be really brief, but where’s Remnant? They were off the hook! Can you give them a handclap! (applause, cheers). For those of you who don’t know, “off the hook” is like, you know, when the phone is off the hook. It’s busy! And so when we’re off the hook it means we’re busy. Where is that in the Bible? “Oh be ye steadfast. And unmovable. Always abounding. In the name of the Lord.” Not just working, but knowing that your labor (applause) even on the Statehouse lawn—your labor—even when everybody else tries to stand against us—our labor is never in vain. (shouts) Hallelujah!
Well, you’ve heard a lot about Reformation Ohio. And I shared with you earlier It’s just not a change but a reforming of our state from its very foundation. You’ve heard a lot about it, now I want you to turn. Directly behind you there’s a large media screen and you are going to see and feel what Reformation Ohio is about. Please turn around at this time.
(Everybody turns around)
Ohio is the pivotal state in the heart of America. A swing state whose tilts and leanings determine the course of our nation. It’s to this great state that a new organization has been birthed to bring action, compassion, and redemption to its people. Reformation Ohio, a grassroots independent movement strategically launched for such a time as this.
In a day where immediate gratification and short-term satisfaction is a way of life, the only true answer is eternal. Reformation Ohio understands the felt needs and the real needs of this generation and knows that the methods of communicating the unchanging message of the Gospel must change and must adapt.
(Teen-action-type music) In partnership with Youth With A Mission and other significant ministries, Reformation Ohio will apply culturally relevant music and sports, present a fast-paced hard-hitting Gospel message that speaks clearly and directly to this generation. Extreme sports bring the crowd to its feet with all-out boarders, bikers, in-line skaters plus blowout feats of strength as professional athletes push themselves to the limit. And culturally appropriate dance and performance art will capture the key audience expressing beauty, emotions, heart and spirit to share the love of God. Before the show ends, performers and athletes become evangelists. boldly challenging the audience to make a commitment to Jesus Christ.
But after three days He conquered death and He rose. And my God is alive today
The most important thing in our lives today is our relationship with Jesus Christ.
The goal of Reformation Ohio is to present the Gospel to more than 1 million people in the next four years and to see 100,000 accept Jesus as their personal savior and then be discipled in the truth. The objective is not just to see a successful night of evangelism, but to see total transformation in lives and in communities.

My best friends—both of them—accepted Jesus, and it’s a wonderful feeling!
The impact that you guys had on my people is just so wonderful.
Tonight my wife (not understandable)
…literally turned this community upside down.
It will take the efforts of everyone, young, old, male, female. No part is too small. No contribution insignificant. There’s much work to be done. The awards aren’t measurable.
The time is now to reach all, and we need all. This is our goal because the index of all Christian endeavor is to place the jewel of a soul in the crown of our savior.
Plus Reformation Ohio will use every means possible to help register 400,000 voters, encouraging people to get involved with democratic process, and make an impact on society.
And, in a land where one in every six goes to bed hungry every night, Reformation Ohio will be God’s hands of mercy and compassion helping the needy and disadvantaged through acts of kindness and generosity in the name of Christ.
Evangelism. Action. And compassion.
That’s Reformation Ohio. A bold and essential initiative for the future of this pivotal state.
Star Spangled Banner performed by “Miss Amanda.” (Much of audience joins in). (applause)
NOTE: Miss Amanda misses a tiny beat at the end.
Thank you Miss Amanda, that was lovely and beautiful.
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